Hi everyone! Today I will be sharing some quick tips to reduce soreness and pain from your computer and workplace setup. Watch the video below.
When positioning your chair, it is important that your legs create an angle at the knee greater than 90 degrees. Raise your chair so that your hips are above your knees. Improper chair positioning adds unnecessary stress to your lower back and shoulders, leading to increased soreness and discomfort during the day.
Screen Height
To find the correct screen height for your workspace, imagine splitting the display into thirds using two lines. Raise or lower your monitor so that your eyes are parallel to the imaginary line two thirds up the screen. If your monitor is not adjustable, you can always use a stack of paper or a box to raise your screen.
Just like with your knees, it is important that your elbow angle is greater than 90 degrees. This often requires that you move your keyboard onto a keyboard tray. If this is not an option at your current work setup, you can always try using a multi media tray on your lap. When your hands are positioned above your elbow level, your body leans forward causing your shoulders and neck to fatigue over time.
Position your chair so that your knees are below your hip level.
Align your eyes with the imaginary line two thirds up your screen.
Adjust your keyboard so that your elbow angle is greater than 90 degrees.